
Grup Sisquella

Grup Sisquella는 알카텔-루슨트의 통합 커뮤니케이션 솔루션을 통해 자사의 고객 서비스 및 만족도를 향상시킬 수 있었습니다. 알카텔-루슨트 솔루션은 기존 솔루션 비용의 60% 수준에서 운영이 가능하고 직원들의 업무 생산성을 높입니다.

  • 국가: 스페인
  • 산업: 금융 및 보험
  • 해결책: 연결된 솔루션 및 서비스, 통합 커뮤니케이션

Grup Sisquella is a leader in economic, fiscal, legal, industrial, property management and agency advisory services, throughout all of Catalonia. A close customer relationship requires personal contact and Grup Sisquella’s communications infrastructure had become obsolete and limited in terms of functionalities to support this contact. It was clear to them that they needed to move towards unified communications.

Grup Sisquella logo
It was clear to us that we had to move towards Unified Communications, but not just anyhow. We had to have totally reliable providers. We knew that in any decision we would make concerning communications, we could rely on Alcatel-Lucent
Jesús Calderón, Head of IT for Grup Sisquella

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