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David King

A 25-year veteran of the surveillance and computer networking industry, David King leads the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Smart Buildings practice with a focus on video surveillance.

a man wearing a suit

David King

Account Director, Smart Buildings

A 25-year veteran of the surveillance and computer networking industry, David King leads the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Smart Buildings practice with a focus on video surveillance.

David has designed and deployed some of the first and largest IP covert and overt surveillance projects in the Americas, using off-the-shelf technologies with wireless mesh, cellular and fibre-optic networks. He has also turned his expertise toward the security design and implementation of large sporting venues, political events, and global critical infrastructure deployments, encompassing multi-able, redundant and large command and control centres.

Posts from the Author

Video surveillance networks: A peek beyond the camera
Video Surveillance

Redes de videovigilancia: un vistazo más allá de la cámara

Es fundamental contar con una estrategia holística del sistema de videovigilancia. La clave es determinar las necesidades de equipos y datos y la funcionalidad.
